Increase Hair Transplant!

No wonder flexibility does not have everyone (even if you like gymnastics), depending on the flexibility of tendons and ligaments. The tendons are composed of collagen and elastin - fibers that provide both strength and elongation. Collagen V, for example, affects tendons if it is more than required, it negatively affects flexibility. Fortunately, you can always practice useful sports activities to increase body flexibility. 

Human genetics is interested in studying the mechanisms of genetic transmission in humans (especially those associated with hereditary diseases). Geneticist and genetic examiner at the Pakistan Medical Hairtransplant in Karachi Center Atlas explain how and why the imbalance in the human body and the qualities associated with the organs Hair color, skin and eyes. Hair thickness depends on the EDAR gene which affects the activity and cell division, the average hair thickness ranges from 0.04 mm to 0.1 mm, the thickness of the hair bulb also affects the thickness of the hair itself. 

There are some people in the world, such as the people of Asia and Africa, where the gene plays a key role, making their hair strong and thick. Nose facial features - an important topic in terms of studying this part of the human. At the same time, however, the subject remains insufficiently studied. There are many genes that affect the shape and size of the nose. Each gene is responsible for bone and cartilage.

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